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Doni(i) Is the esperanto*
word for "Give."
*A language created by linguists to allow people of different backgrounds to communicate.
Why we do it
founder's story
Angie Janssen | Founder and CEO

In 2015 Angie wanted to give her barely used guest room bed to someone she imagined could really use it: a family moving out of a shelter and into permanent housing, or the parents of a foster child finally outgrowing his toddler cot. Imagining the family was easier than finding it. Despite knowing that a struggling family in her vicinity would undoubtedly love to give a new bed a warm homecoming, it eventually went on craigslist – a casualty of the inability of those who are able to give and those who are willing to receive to communicate. Donii was born of the belief that generosity combined with connectivity can meaningfully alleviate material need.
impact stories
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